Religious Education/GRACE

We are a Catholic community committed to developing educational opportunities in the context of Gospel values, where students' gifts and talents are celebrated and nurtured through lifelong spiritual and personal experiences.

What is our Religious Education Program about?

Each of us working in Catholic schools is called to be Christ's spokesperson, enabling Him to be present through us! The role of the Religious Education Consultant is to support all the stakeholders in our school division to fulfill this mission. In Catholic schools, we work together with the family and parish to help young people mature into Disciples of Christ.

For someone who is new to the Catholic school system, an understandable question is what makes the schools Catholic? There is much that distinguishes Catholic schools, which students and their families can readily observe.

In addition to the above items are the following critically important dimensions of Catholic schools:

  • Teachers strive to integrate their faith with their teaching and interactions with everyone.
  • A faith conviction that each child and person's dignity comes from being created in the image of God, is promoted throughout Catholic schools.
  • Our school Division's vision statement of "Seeing Christ in Everyone" challenges us to embrace every person as someone of immense worth and potential.
  • Teachers work towards giving witness to their Christian faith by sharing their faith journeys and leading students in prayer and a life directed to the needs of those who are oppressed or destitute.
  • Schools actively work at connecting with the parishes by attending  Mass at the church or having parish priests visit the schools.

Our publicly funded Catholic schools are an immense treasure: they support our children on their faith journeys and help their families and parishes lead them with and to Christ.




GrACE invites all those committed to Catholic education, through the unity of the Holy Spirit, to be advocates and witnesses for our schools’ successes and their future.


Please visit the website for more informaiton on GRACE.