12 Days of Giving - Service Projects for Charity
St. Luke students and staff will once again be participating in the Annual St. Luke 12 Days of Giving service project. Beginning December 4th through the 19th, families are invited to participate in the daily charitable challenges as listed below:
- Monday, December 4: New Hats and Mitts to decorate the Christmas Giving Tree
- Tuesday, December 5: Any Winter Clothing for 7 - 18 years of age
- Wednesday, December 6: Pasta and Pasta Sauce
- Thursday, December 7: Peanut Butter and Jam
- Friday, December 8: Toiletries
- Monday, December 11: Cereal/Oatmeal, Coffee and Tea
- Tuesday, December 12: Granola Bars and Crackers
- Wednesday, December 13: Canned Fruit and Vegetables
- Thursday, December 14: Soup and Rice
- Friday, December 15: Toilet Paper / Baby wipes and Diapers
- Monday, December 18: Baby Food / Formula
- Tuesday. December 19: Cash Donations / Final Day!
Clothing items will be sent to the parish and distributed to those in need. Food items will be donated to the Tofield Food Bank. Cash donations will be sent to the Lurana Shelter for women and children in need in Edmonton. Thank you for all of your support and generosity!! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for helping us serve those in need in our greater communities.