Ready to Diving into PreKindergarten?
Step 1: Please complete an inquiry form linked here
Step 2: Register here using the confirmation code from the inquiry form
Step 3: Thank you for your registration. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
Program Information:
- Mondays & Thursdays and scheduled Wednesdays, full days
- Class time: 8:10 AM - 2:40 PM
- Cost: $125/month ($1250/year)
- Children must be 4 years old by December 31, 2025.
The St. Luke's Nature Infused Pre-Kindergarten program is a Catholic faith infused, student-centered, play-based program in a literacy and numeracy rich learning environment fusing learning in class as well as learning in God's playground outdoors.
St. Luke Catholic Schools is blessed to reside within a heartbeat of beautiful forests, open spaces and watersheds for exceptional outdoor learning in and through nature.
At St. Luke Catholic School, children will explore the following areas of early childhood development:
- Faith-filled beginning of a rich educational journey
- Build relationships with our peers, teachers and school community,
- Interpersonal and social emotional skills
- Support and enhance your child’s independence and growing confidence,
- Imaginative and dramatic play with friends in class,
- Early literacy and numeracy concepts,
- Expand language and communication skills,
- Develop critical thinking skills
- Classroom routines
- Participate in fine and gross motor movement activities
- While learning indoors and outdoors throughout the year...yes, in our Alberta winter too!
Our Pre-Kindergarten class is taught by knowledgeable and caring certified Program Assistants who ensure all children enjoy their first school experience and are excited to work and learn with their friends.
St. Luke Catholic School's Nature Infused Pre-Kindergarten class is supported by a multidisciplinary team made up of a teacher and Inclusive Learning Facilitator as well as a Family Wellness Worker. The program is also supported by Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Assistants and the Early Learning Consultants from the School Division.
Interested in Every-Day Programming for you child?
~ We offer that! ~
*NEW* Nature Pre-Kinder & Kinder Extension
Once your child is registered for the Nature Infused Pre-Kindergarten class, you can register for our New Nature Pre-Kinder & Kinder Extension Program.
In runs on Tuesdays, Fridays and the Wednesdays our Nature Infused Pre-Kindergarten Program is not in class.
Cost: $125/month ($1250/year)
Please contact us at the school at 780-922-5920 or by email at to express your interest in this program.
Would you like to tour our amazing school?
We are delighted to introduce you to our amazing St. Luke community!
Call us at 780-922-5920 or email
We're here to help!
If you require assistance or have questions
please call our office at 780-922-5920 or email us at