Nature Infused Kindergarten

Where we Learn, Grow & Play Together

Ready to Jump into Kindergarten?

Step 1: Please click here to register your child.

Step 2: Stay tuned! We look forward to speaking with you!


Program Information:

  • Full day programming:  Monday/Thursday and some Fridays
  • Class time:  8:10 AM - 2:40 PM
  • Cost: Field Trip fees
  • Child must be five years old on or before December 31, 2025.


Independence, initiative, decision making, creativity, the ability to learn, relationships and feelings of self-worth - all have their beginnings in early childhood.

We believe that every child is unique and, together with parents as our partners, we build upon children's natural curiosity and spontaneity, encouraging and supporting them as they take their first step into school.  Excitedly we access both indoor and outdoor learning spaces to grow our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits.  Each day there will be purposeful programming that occurs outside in addition to free creative play at recess with our St. Luke Catholic School friends.

At St. Luke Catholic School, Kindergarten students will:

  • Learn through play in a Faith-based learning environment
  • Learn with, through and in nature in addition to indoor learning spaces and materials
  • Integrate fine arts and daily movement activities
  • Develop Literacy, Numeracy and Social Emotional skills
  • Experience rich oral language opportunities
  • Belong to a family-oriented environment
  • Be supported by a multi-disciplinary team that includes our Inclusive Learning Facilitator, Family Wellness Worker here at St. Luke, as well as early learning consultants, a speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a psychologist with Elk Island Catholic Schools

For more information on registration for the Kindergarten Program visit our EICS Kindergarten site.


Need Bus Transportation?

Transportation: For all forms and requests for busing, please visit the EICS Transportation page.  To contact EICS Transportation, please call (780) 449-6480 or email us at


Interested in Every-Day Programming for you child?

~ We offer that! ~


*NEW*  Nature Pre-Kinder & Kinder Extension  *NEW*

Once your child is registered for the Nature Infused Kindergarten class, you can register for our New Nature Pre-Kinder & Kinder Extension Program.   Feel free to call the school to share your interest in the program and we can help enroll your child.


The new Nature Pre-Kinder & Kinder Extension Program runs on Tuesdays, Fridays and on Wednesdays our Nature Infused Kindergarten Program is not in class.  For more details and information on how to register, please click here.

Cost: $125/month ($1250/year)


To register your child please click here.


Would you like to tour our amazing school?

We are delighted to introduce you to our amazing St. Luke community!

Call us at 780-922-5920 or email to arrange a tour.


We are here to help!

If you require assistance or have questions

please call our office at 780-922-5920 or email us at

We are happy to help!


Excited about Early Learning @ St. Luke Catholic School?

We are too!